In pursuing the B&H challenge I started thinking about ways to get different perspectives of these 'Underground Ghosts' that travel under NYC guts everyday... I wanted to achieve a sense that they are close and far away from you... so I started playing with my Canon 24-105 lens. One shot would be wide angle and the other in tele mode. In other words one shot at 24mm and the other at 105mm. The trick was to take 2 Multiple exposures and let the camera superimpose them to see what results I would get... This was the first shot I took focusing on something that I often see. Details and textures...
In Camera Multiple Exposure at 24mm and 105mm
When I saw this I was immediately drawn to the multiple lines that where driving my attention... all pointing towards a horizon that gets darker, and with a dreamy quality to it.
I kept on experimenting with the idea... This time on the vertical plane instead of on the depth plane. Just having a go... this came out after I was able to eyeball the centerline somewhere on the center of the frame. Not easy to do on a moving train and trying to go unnoticed.
In camera multiple Vertical exposures at 24mm
I was struck again by the lines and perspective... it was a form of new architecture being created. Maybe 5 Dimensional in the "Interstellar" way, ;)
Here is another one with a human being instead of an object being shot at 24mm and at 105mm. It's like I went into him, but he is still out there in this strange structure that is a recognizable as a Subway.
Right now I want to try 2 things. The first one is to take two shots and them combine them in photoshop to see what it gives me. And the second one is that I will try to mask different sections with the interesting parts. Right now I feel like some parts are too distracting. I can't control the lighting in this environment, and so they draw our attention. For example, in this last image, the gentleman sitting on the right is too present for my taste.
Have a great holiday, and see you all soon!